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Do you have what it takes to change the world...?

Do you have what it takes to change the world...?
posted on: Wednesday, 2 January 2019
by Browncord Admin

Tags:   Movivations

Risk takers are born takers. Are you a risk taker.

Knowlegde is got from the learning institution in different levels,

Wisdom is got from the enviroment where you grewup from or on, there is a very big difference between Knownledge and Wisdom.

    You cannot teach anyone anything you can only help him find what is within him and  show them how to bring it out to the world.

You want to change the world...?

Have you ever wordered why some people have never gone to any Learning istitution or are school drop-outs but when it comes to other things like busineses; they are so good that you admire them in business, are so good in a way you cant even compare them with those who are lerned.

Look at the great people in the world are school drop-outs, but had the passion of changing the world in the capacity, Example someone like xxxxx    who discuscovered internet, he was a drop out, look even in our society many people who are succesful are either drop outs or never entered any class,But Note:
Not all succesful people are drop-outs but most of them are; And not all drop-outs are succesful
in whatever category you are in, you only need to be focussed in your dream . you only need to have a dream to which everybody has; then set a goal towards your dream, A goal is a dream that is strategically set with a person  to archive something that looks unreachable at the moment, a goal to be called a goal must posses some qualities to which i will mention a few; it has to be SMART  :

     S - Specific,
    M - Measurable,
    A - Archiverable,
    R - Rearistic,
    T - Timebond.

Your Goal has to be Specific as on a specific thing ie 50 by 100 plot, home, worth 1 Million Ksh,,owning a car worth 1 Million Ksh, etc. example; i am Robert am a worker at ABC company and my sallary is worth 40,000 Ksh. my goal is in 5 years from now i want to own a home in an acre worth 2 Million in Nakuru town. So in the example above Robert's goal has passed our test in this way its smart; it is spacific that he shall own a home not just a house but a home.

Your Goal also must be Measurable, not just a tremondus goal it has to be a mesurable one ; in Robert's example his house is worth 2 Million.

Archiverable your goal must be able to archive it. look at Robert's goal its archiveble that if he would for example make his expenditure like 10,000 in one year he will have saved 360,000ksh and in 5 years he will have 1,800,000ksh and thus will only need to look for 200,000ksh to get the house.

Realistic your goal must be realistic as in something real not just an imagination. look at Robert's example getting an acre in Nakuru is possible since they are available.

Time bond your goal also need to have time bond as you must have a time limit to which you set to achive your goal, like in Robert's example he said that in 5 years time he will be having a home... Your goal has to posses all that and be SMART. And in goals there are two types of goals that you need to set:

  1.    Long-term goal.
  2.    Short-term goal.

Long-term goal this are goals that are set to be achived at a later date after one year  or more;

Short-term goal this are goals that are set to be achive for a period of not more than one year maye one day weeks,Months.

Most Knoledgeable people know all these process ,but are not  willing to take what it takes to achive it, as it is said that; the road to success is narrow, the roots to success are bitter but the fruits are very sweat. thus many of this people are nt willing to take it,

Most People who are wise are always ready to take the risk to achive their success ,these people are willing to go through the bitter roots so as to reach the fruits .

you too has to make a choice either to follow the risk takers or the other way  to change the world .sometimes you need to  posses both knowlegde and wisdom so as to archive your goal, as you can use your knowlegde to find new and smart ways to achive your goal,and the wisdom to be perserviarance and ready to take the risks.


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