Tags: Educative
November is the ninth month of Gregorian calendar, the fourth and last month consisting of 30 days and the fifth and last month having less than 31 days.
The name November comes from a Latin word Novem .which means nine, as the old Roman calendar had 10 moths and November was the ninth moth of the year, it as well marks the start of winter season.
November is always a very busy month to many, as some use this month to start Christmas preparations. Others use it as a test of how the winter would be like. And due to all the reasons this month is parked with so many holidays and special days as we will describe below. This is also the thanks giving month.
The month has two Christian holidays which takes the early days of the month, namely “All Saints day and all souls day” and Advent calendar which begins mostly at the end of the moth to start the countdown till Christmas. Plus in the catholic calendar this is a month of praying Rosaries
Holiday in November
Nov 1st – All saint day.
Nov 10th Forget me not day – On this day it’s meant to reach out to all your friends and family, either physically or via a phone, email or on social media platforms is mostly done in the west countries
Nov 13th World kindness day – This day is meant to spread kindness to your neighbors can be doing any act of kindness to them or even helping them to do a task. The aim of this month is to put some positive vibes to the world and our surrounding.
Nov 25th (the forth Thursday) Thanks giving day – this is time for family and friends, foods and giving thanks, this day you can use it to give thanks to yourself and maybe your friends or coworker’s for the good work done or even the good staff you’ve been able to accomplish over the time
Nov 26th Black Friday (the day after thanks giving day – Friday) — this day is mostly a day used by business to give great deals to its clients and customers.
Nov 29th Cyber Monday (Monday after thanks giving) – if you happened to miss Black Friday there’s a chance you’ll find good deals online for cyber Monday from your comfort – some retailers extend it even to the whole week.
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