Tags: Event Services / Business Growth and Marketing
It's a mix of emotions when one has a function that is meant to happen. The anxiety and the excitement that comes with knowing that you own a day on the calender is immeasuarable. Let's address the anxiety first. OMG! the countdown is on. You just think about it, let two or more people know about the idea and they all look forward to the day. The venue, the public adress system, the entertainers, the graphics guys, the decorators, the photographers, the marketing people, the chefs and caterers and other event service providers. It is hard to know what comes first in the order while budgeting for the event and this brings along a dilema moment which if not properly addressed could lead to a very boring, or no event at all. In most cases, it is important to keep contact with the events guys. This is the only guarantee of having a successful event and also make the memories last a while. The Event Service Providers Meetup is a platform where the service providers meet, network and get to exchange ideas at a one on one level therefore adding color to the fireworks in this memory making industry. We thank everyone for your support in the effort towards making one of the biggest event platform and may you thrive in every field of performance. I cannot wait to see you at the Event Service Providers Meetup. Thank you Yellow gardens for hosting us!.
visit https://browncord.co.ke/meetup for more information
.Event Planning Tips & Tricks Inspiration How-to Guides Technology News Inventories Movivations Educative Business Events Event Services / Business Growth and Marketing
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